At White Sands Primary School, we endeavour to build in our students a strong foundation in English language so as to develop them into empathetic communicators, discerning readers and creative inquirers.
Key Programmes
English lessons are conducted using the STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading) approach. The STELLAR curriculum aims to foster the love for reading and a strong foundation in English through the use of varied text genres like narratives, information reports and expository writing. Students are encouraged to read, listen to and view a wide range of texts and text forms as well as given opportunities to respond to these texts.
Intervention Programmes
Learning Support Programme (LSP)
The LSP is a specialised early intervention programme that aims to provide additional support in language and literacy skills to students in Primary 1 and 2. LSP lessons are conducted in small groups daily by specially trained teachers.
School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR)
Students are identified for the SDR programme through a systematic screening process for dyslexia in the middle of Primary 2. Those diagnosed with dyslexia will be placed in the SDR programme to receive specialised remediation in reading and spelling in Primary 3 and 4.
Reading Remediation Programme (RRP)
The RRP aims to provide support for Primary 3 and 4 students who face consistent difficulty in reading despite having completed the LSP in Primary 1 and 2. This programme exposes students to a range of coping strategies for reading comprehension which will enable them to better manage their learning in the regular classroom.
Department Programmes
Project S.P.E.A.K! (Spontaneously Projecting English And Knowledge!)
Project S.P.E.A.K! is an English enrichment programme helmed by the English Language department for selected Primary 4 to Primary 6 students who demonstrate interest and aptitude in the learning of the English language. The programme aims to use drama, storytelling and debating skills to improve pupils’ communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration skills while nurturing other important 21st Century Competencies such as resilient and effective communication skills.
Reading Week
The Reading Week aims to imbibe the importance and love for reading within our students. Students take part in a variety of activities, including Read For Books organised by the National Library Board (NLB). Teachers and students read silently for a period of time such that a book is donated to selected beneficiaries selected by the NLB. Students are also given an opportunity to design book jackets for their favourite books during this Reading Week.