Parent Support Group
Parent Support Group
Designation | Parent Support Group | |
Chairperson | Mdm Yeo Han Ling Yvonne | |
Vice Chairperson | Mdm Diana Oey | |
Exco Members | Mdm Low Pei Chen, Yuki Mdm Normili Binte Ahmad Mdm Koh Wen Cheng, Vivien Mdm Bernardina Ong Mdm Law Shi Wen, Rachel Mdm Normah Binte Ahmad Mdm Cristina Fulgencio (Ameera) Mdm Noorashikin Bte Noordin Mdm Lo Loong Wuah, Lauren Mdm Goh Ee Lyn, Sharon Mdm Farhanah Tan Mdm Grace Chen Mdm Jing Jing Mdm Manali Choudhary |
The PSG complements the school by aligning with the school’s objectives and supporting various school programmes to enhance students’ well-being and learning. PSG plays a key role in engaging and bringing together parents who wish to contribute their time, effort, knowledge and skills towards creating a holistic educational and developmental experience for the children during their time in WSPS..
Our Mission
Forming a successful parent-school partnership that is well integrated with the school’s overall mission in nurturing our children
Our Objectives
- promote a collaborative relationship between parents and school
- provide opportunities for the parents to volunteer their services to support the school to strengthen school-based activities
- provide constructive input on school policies and goals, practices and programmes
- support parents in their parenting journey via suitable avenues.
For more information, please click here - MOE Parent Kit
PSG Newsletter:
Key Involvement:
The PSG supports school programmes and events such as HeARTshine, Teachers’ Day and Children’s Day. With the knowledge, support, and expertise rendered by the PSG, their hope is to encourage all White Sandians to develop greater motivation to manage their own personal growth, be more engaged in learning while experiencing the joy of learning.